Surfing Baler in November



Baler tops my list of places to visit especially on long weekends.


My Second Time in Baler

As Baler is only a five-hour drive from my place, getting there is not too much trouble.

If you’d rather not drive, JoyBus deluxe bus, owned by Genesis Transport, offers direct trips to Baler, Aurora. Taking into consideration the condition of traffic on the road, it would roughly take around 6 hours to Baler from Manila.

My first visit to Baler was on an off-season weekend. This time, it’s surfing season on a long weekend. Most of the room rates skyrocketed to almost double their regular price.




But the waves were worth it!





Aliya Surf Camp, Baler, Aurora



It was a good thing we arrived way before lunchtime or we would have a hard time getting a table at Bayler View Hotel. The place fills up really quickly.

I miss their Sinigang so much.



Lunch at Bayler View Hotel




The Rookie Surfer

I have to admit the waves looked scary on the 4 days we stayed at Sabang Beach. The gloomy weather didn’t help either.

Last time I was around, there were only baby waves. Getting on my board on my first lesson was quite fun then.







I need to get a feel of the waves first before I can get in the water

A long walk on the shore seems a good idea.


Most of the surfers are clustered near Aliya Surf Camp, Bayler View Hotel, and at Costa Pacifica. Nobody brave the waves at Charlie’s Point.





With less crowd coupled with the musical rhythm of the waves, the scene at Charlie’s Point feels dreamy.





A self-appointed lifeguard brought a whistle with him. He warned the only couple we encountered about the strong current in the area. He told them to just stay close to the shore and not venture out any farther. They were crazy enough to swim that part of Sabang beach.

But they seemed like having a good time.

Like I did with my driftwood. ha ha.






The waves that day genuinely terrified me.




Three things I learned about surfing the second time around


  • Face the waves head on. It’s different when you’re out there in the water. If you hesitate, you get wiped out. After a while, the waves become less frightening.


  • Learn to duck dive. Sometimes, the waves are big enough my instructor would shout “yuko! yuko!” Yuko means “to duck”. I was probably only a few seconds under the wave, but it felt like a lifetime. Still have to get used to it.


  • Believe you can do it. As cliche as this one sounds, it really works. Just believe in yourself, go out there, and catch your wave.


Lessons cost P350/hour. It comes with a personal instructor and a surfboard.


Below are some side stories from our 4 days stay in Baler


Diguisit Beach

My visit to Baler would not be complete without having a side trip to Diguisit Beach.

It has fantastic rock formations right on the shore.








Diguisit is famous for its stunning sunrise. Unfortunately, it was mostly rainy the whole time we were there.

The beach is still beautiful despite the weather – in a hauntingly kind of way.






One of the things I love about Baler is the variety of food options available in the restaurants in Sabang beach.




Grilled vegetables and Grilled chicken at Aliya Surf




Aliya Surf had some live band on pre-halloween night.



Great food, awesome crowd, and chill vibes. All the things I love about Baler.




Pre-halloween night





The strong wind blowing certainly added drama and mystique on Halloween night. Plus, the fact that there was a power failure at Aliya Surf on that particular night only heightened the atmosphere.





Halloween night



Want to hear more stories about why I love Baler? Read it here Catching Waves, Sabang Beach, Baler, Aurora







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