ATV Ride in Carmen, Bohol




After attending my friend’s wedding in Bohol, we decided to take a side trip to Carmen, where the much photographed Chocolate Hills is located. This time we checked out the ATVs for rent just outside the main entrance to the Chocolate Hills. 


The ATV shop offered several options to choose from. We picked the 30 minutes ride from the shop to the Three Sisters Hills and back.


The 4 hours ride would have been more to my liking. Regretfully, our time was very limited and Carmen was some distance away from the city. So, after a trial run at the back of the ATV rental shop, we were good to go.







The guide was not very forthcoming with side stories. Perhaps because it was noon and the sun was grinning at us from ear to ear. But the good thing was he offered to take our camera and took us loads of pictures.





Three Sisters Hills
Three Sisters Hills 




Seeing the Chocolate Hills up close is like looking at a school textbook picture suddenly come to life. They are magnificent.







I thought driving this little monster was easy.

Well, I was wrong. It takes a bit of getting used to. It requires a certain degree of skill to navigate the rough tracks at the base of these hills. If it’s your first time handling an ATV, prepare to be thrown sideways. Though I still think, this short ride is perfectly designed for beginners. 


After a short break, we headed back towards the shop.












We used a different route on our way back.














Our guide really takes his photographer-slash-choreographer role seriously, ha ha. He directed all those shots! 













And we have arrived back at the rental shop.


That was a quick ride. Would love to do this again, perhaps in Albay? yeah!





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