Off-Roading in Mt. Mayon, Albay, Philippines




Off-roading in Mt. Mayon, Albay, Philippines is one of the coolest ride I had ever!


Ever since we tried the ATV ride in Carmen, Bohol, off-roading in Mt. Mayon, Albay has always been somewhere in my bucket list.


We would have liked to go in the summer when the rate of seeing Mt. Mayon is highest. But I am glad we went during the rainy season. The weather was certainly perfect for off-road adventures.






One of the perks of going during the wet season is the trails. They become more challenging and sure as hell dangerous. But whenever there’s an element of danger involved, excitement level shoots up.


We picked the Green Lava Trail by Bicol Adventure ATV. It’s roughly a 4 hour trail ride from Cagsawa to just along the edge of Mt. Mayon outside the 6km permanent danger zone.


Our prior plan was to do the Black Lava Trail the next day. But the blisters on my hands on the part where it rubs the handlebar turned out to be a nuisance. If you have motorcycle gloves, better wear them.






We started off quite early, before 8 in the morning.

True to the season, the weather was gloomy. Right after the brief orientation and test drive, it started to rain.

Perfect adventure!

There was our guide ahead of us, with me driving from behind him, followed by hubby, and then our photographer. They do provide a special action photographer/videographer for the entire activity using your own equipment.

The thing was we didn’t bring our waterproof camera, so he might have missed some shots. There was a real downpour while we were in the Cagsawa Trail. It was coming down in buckets. But no matter. I was already soaking wet, the last thing on my mind was how I fare in the photos.










Cagsawa is the most thrilling part of the ride.



It’s literally driving through a river trail, that’ll give you surprises at every turn. This is definitely what ATVs are made for.

After more than a couple hours driving through a lush coconut forest, some Agoho plantation, and small communities, we finally climb up to the foot of Mt. Mayon.






Beyond us is the famous Mt. Mayon volcano. Heavy clouds obscured our view. I bet this place is really awesome on a clear sunny day.






The weather was dreadful. We only had a hazy view of Legaspi City.


After a really quick break, our guides urged us to hurry. The overcast sky promised a wet and nippy ride back. And it didn’t disappoint.


I lost control of my steering a couple times and drove straight into the bushes ha ha. Well, I was thoroughly soaked and felt cold and the rain didn’t help. Okay I know excuses. 


Looking back, I think I had the adventure I always dreamt of! Here’s to more fun rides to come…Cheers!






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